A maior baía marítima do país não herdou apenas os valores intangíveis resultantes da sólida combinação de história e cultura.


Américo Vespúcio, cartographer and writer, is the official discoverer of All Saints Bay on November 01, 1501. The bay took its name because Portuguese people at that time gave name to geographical features according to the saint of the day. According to the catholic calendar in force at that time, it was All Saints’ Day.

Being large, beautiful and deep, with territorial extension of 1.052 km², the colonizers thought it had the geographical profile they were looking for: a natural pier that beyond having favorable strategic defensive characteristics for the protection of the new lands that had been conquered.

It is how All Saints Bay grows and is transformed in the “cradle” of western civilization, Portuguese and Christian in Americas. In the XVI century, it became the biggest exporting port in the southern hemisphere. It was from this bay that primary products went to big European cities – from sugar to Bolivian silver. The port in Salvador very soon became the busiest business spot – they commercialized African slaves that came from Mozambique, Angola, Congo Benin (Nigeria), Ethiopia and Senegal.

The waters in the bay bathe 13 cities that are part of a region that is known as “ Reconcavo in Bahia” where it is concentrated a population with around three million residents and that is supported by the ancestry of a history that is rich in historical facts and deep cultural traits that had been inherited from the colonization. Many localities that belong to the bay still keep the fingerprints left by Brazilian mestizos of Portuguese – African – Tupi origin in the times of colonization , that are seen through beautiful mansions , churches , forts , farm houses and details from the architecture from the time. A period of intense fight against the unforeseen from Nature and the search for the improvement of sailing techniques that, until today by the wreckage of ships and galleons that had shipwrecked in the way during colonization.

On the twentieth century – seen as pioneer place for the exploration of crude oil in Brazil and the headquarter of the first refinery at Petrobrás , All Saints Bay had all secular social economy of its surroundings deeply transformed because of these important factors . The activities of exploration, refining and processing of oil and chemical, petrochemical and milling of mineral resources, are responsible for great part of generation of foreign expenses in the State.
